Home Tattoos 101 Best We The People Flag Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

101 Best We The People Flag Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

by Jamie Wilson
We The People Flag Tattoo ideass

If you’re looking for some amazing We The People Flag tattoo designs, then find the list of best of these patriotic tattoos.

We The People Flag Tattoo
@jessebrittentattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

‘We The People’ are the very first three words found on the Constitution of the United States of America.

It is a very famous patriotic phrase that has become a popular image as We The People tattoo designs. Many people also believe that adding the American flag takes the wearer’s pride to another level as a patriotic tattoo.

America was in a state of turmoil before the Constitution was written. The Articles of Confederation contained the faulty legislation and it caused constant revolt and separation in the country and the founding fathers came ahead to save the country from the dismal. The brave forefathers, like Sir Morris, Richard Bassett, George Read, and more signed the new Constitution that United the country. It established a strong leader and a central government which formed a strong union between the common people and the ruling class. Choose your favorite We The People tattoo designs for your next patriotic tattoo from the list below.

We The People 2nd Amendment Tattoo

We The People 2nd Amendment Tattoo
@drmyk122 via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

The first three words, ‘We The People’ is a strong statement in itself and define the US constitution. They hold the same strong meaning of the actual Constitution and all emotion of the American citizens towards it. The Second amendment among all the nine bills of rights is one of the most controversial one. It still falls under the basic rights of Americans to bear arms. The picture above is a ‘We The People’ tattoo written across the sleeve in a beautiful font. The second amendment is written below in the same font with the Liberty Bell drawn just beside it. The tattoo designed on a black background is surely looking exquisite.

We The People Word Tattoo

We The People Word Tattoo
@unrivaled_design48 via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Word tattoo designs are of the most common designs that people choose to get drawn on their skin. Even though pictures hold many symbols, people can still best express themselves through words. You can also add some symbolic design with your word tattoo design to make the tattoo especially a patriotic one like the picture above. It shows a unique ‘We The People’ word tattoo in the exact font as the Constitution and drawn with black and gray ink. The large microphone design on the side can mean a great many things, like American Music which can be a thing to take pride in or the voice the Constitution has given the general mass.

We The People Constitution Tattoo

We The People Constitution Tattoo
@devotedink via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

If someone asked us to say something about the Constitution of the country, we would start with just three words. It holds so much meaning and intention of the entire Constitution in itself. The picture above is a perfect example of such tattoo designs. It’s a beautiful ‘We The People’ tattoo design that shows the first part of the Constitution. The quill and the ink pot beside the Constitution tattoo, doesn’t just enhance the meaning of the entire design, it also adds a historical vibe to the tattoo. It’s making the tattoo seem like a picture from the day the Constitution was written or from the Revolutionary War, has been etched on the wearer’s skin.

Colorful American Flag Tattoo We The People

Colorful American Flag Tattoo We The People
@darkheartstattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

More and more tattoo techniques are being invented by tattoo artists every day. Additionally, people are also choosing to get more colourful tattoo designs. People get a handful of options to choose from as well, like color bomb, watercolor, traditional, neo-traditional, and many more. It’s only an added bonus when the colors not only bring out the design, it also adds more life to it which is evident from the picture above. It shows a ‘We The People’ with flag tattoo design drawn above a colorful waving American flag design.

Black And Gray American Flag We The People Tattoo

Black And Gray American Flag We The People Tattoo
@neavetattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

The art of tattooing started with black and gray ink and over the years, the style has persisted. In today’s world, even though millions more styles of tattooing have been invented, most people opt for black and gray ink tattoos to this day. Whether Chicano tattoos, realistic designs, or any other styles black and gray ink tattoos are still a favorite. The picture above is of a large ‘We The People’ and forearm American flag tattoo. The words are written in a unique font and on the background a waving American flag is drawn.

Patriotic We The People Tattoo

Patriotic We The People Tattoo
@timbecktattoos via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Every person has a love for their country and its Constitution. Every person respects their rights and many people choose to express that and their patriotism through tattoo ideas. The Constitution of America starts with the three words, ‘We The People’. Hence, they can be perfect patriotic tattoos as evident from the picture above. It shows a beautiful patriotic ‘We The People’ tattoo on the wearer’s sleeve that is drawn like it’s a torn part of the Constitution from a specific page. You can add some more patriotic designs, like the American flag or Liberty Bell to the tattoo and make larger patriotic tattoos.

We The People Sleeve Tattoo

We The People Sleeve Tattoo
@dark_shadows_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Sleeve tattoo ideas are one of the most common forms of tattoo ideas chosen by people. It’s an easily expressible part of the body. The amazing ‘We The People’ tattoo drawn on the wearer’s arm is of a scrolled up page of the Constitution as it was first written. The bullets below and the ‘Molon Labe’ phrase drawn above the scroll design indicates the wearer is expressing their support for the second amendment of the United States Constitution.

We The People Flag And Bald Eagle Head Tattoo

We The People Flag And Bald Eagle Head Tattoo
@trevisstallard via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States and it is loved and respected by all people for its symbolism. The bald eagle represents freedom, strength, immortality, and courage. That’s why a design of the full-bodied bald eagle or just its head fits perfectly with a ‘We The People’ tattoo. The picture above shows a magnificent realistic ‘We The People’ tattoo with flag of the United States in black and grey ink etched on the wearer’s upper arm. The words ‘We The People’ written in a bold font below the waving flag and the bald eagle is quite prominent.

We The People Historical Tattoo

We The People Historical Tattoo
@official100prooftattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

History buffs and every patriotic person can opt for a ‘We The People’ tattoo. You can add some more elements to the design, like the year the United States Constitution was adopted, a design of the scroll, and more. The picture above is of a simple ‘We The People’ tattoo written in a bold font on the wearer’s upper arm as the tattoo’s focal point. The word tattoo has been etched above another numeric tattoo which reads 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. Hence, the final product of the designs works perfectly as a patriotic one.

Beautiful We The People Flag Tattoo

Beautiful We The People Flag Tattoo
@ivanlopezart2e via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

The words, ‘We The People’ taken from the Constitution are the most important parts to everyone in the country. These words depict the value of the entire Constitution and what America stands to them. They can express their patriotism, American dream, and the feelings of American exceptionalism fully with the tattoo and it can be beautiful. The picture above shows a ‘We The People’ word tattoo with a few extra words from the Constitution. The beautiful quill design and the pot of ink enforces a historical element to the entire tattoo.

If you’ve found your favorite design, get it to your tattoo artist and if you’re still looking, here are a few more suggestions –

Many people choose to add ‘In God We Trust’ to their ‘We The People’ tattoo. The seven words in similar calligraphy font can make perfect patriotic text tattoos. You can also add words from second amendment including ‘bear arms’ and can choose absolutely any font and the design will still be the most patriotic tattoo.

You can draw up a Statue of liberty tattoo to your ‘We The People’ American flag tattoo flash in black or green ink in natural lines, to come up with your own unique design. The extra cost for customary design might be a little more but the patriotic image will look beautiful from different angles.

Still looking for inspiration, then checkout this blog post about flag tattoo ideas

feature image from Pinterest

What does the ‘We the People’ flag tattoo represent?

The ‘We the People’ flag tattoo is a visual symbol of unity, strength and pride among people who identify as Americans. The symbolism behind this type of tattoo varies from person to person, but it typically stands for patriotism, loyalty and commitment to the United States of America. It also serves as a reminder to individuals that they are part of a larger group of citizens who share the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as all other Americans. By wearing this tattoo, many people choose to honor their country and express their unwavering faith in the American way of life. Ultimately, this type of tattoo provides an outward expression of strong patriotic sentiment and national pride.

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