Home Tattoos 101 Best Butterfly Angel Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

101 Best Butterfly Angel Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

by Jamie Wilson
Butterfly Angel Tattoo

The little fluttering being’s beauty is hard to contain, but art makes it possible! Find the right butterfly angel tattoo inspiration with our detailed list of ideas!

Butterfly Angel Tattoo
@tattooist_giseo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Butterflies can be seen as gorgeous little angels, hovering around nature, smelling flowers and shining bright under the sun’s warm light.

These little creatures have always been the centre of artistic creations and dedications; their prominence among tattoo artists is proof of it. While their vibrant colours play a small part behind it but what inspires artists to work with this creature is the delicate pair of wings it owns.

Just like an angel has a pair of one, butterflies have, too. The only difference is the existence of the former one is uncertain. So imagine an art created using both of these? Fascinating, isn’t it!

The amount of diverse symbolisms both angels and butterflies carry is yet to be deciphered. As butterflies symbolise love, freedom and good luck, angels can be dedicated to someone’s life. There is so much meaning these two prominently known symbols carry along with their beauty; therefore, a tattoo created using both an angel and a butterfly will be extremely eye-catching.

Get a piece of heaven inked on your body by surfing through some of the most appreciated butterfly tattoo creations. Allow yourself to dive deep into seeking tattoo design to find the perfect match.

Celtic Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Celtic Butterfly Tattoo Designs
@inked_by_tahlia via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Celtic tattoos carry unique meanings with each creation. Originated from the Irish culture, Celtic tattoos consist of several knots, with the sign representing a never-ending connection between humans and all elements of nature. This Celtic butterfly tattoo signifies a life larger than realms of the world. It is a symbolism of transformation, creation and afterlife. To keep the Celtic values as authentic as possible, the tattoo is created in simple black and bold lines. Although butterflies are known for their vibrant colours, this tattoo does an impressive job delivering an equally exceptional tattoo design on the wrist.

Black Butterfly Angel Tattoo Designs

Black Butterfly Angel Tattoo Designs
@idlehandsf via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Here’s to another black and white angel butterfly wings tattoo in the list of inspiration as traditional never go out of style! The tattoo is a hauntingly beautiful piece spread across the entirety of a shoulder blade. Butterflies on the back usually appear soft and pleasant. This tattoo, more like artwork, is created to give off a little intimidating vibe. The big black butterfly tattoo is not alone. The highlight of this artwork is undoubtedly the woman, placed right in the middle of the butterfly’s back. The woman can be perceived as an angel or someone evil with all the dark highlights present in the tattoo; in both cases wearer wins as they are gorgeously created and bound to snatch compliments—a tattoo, as intricate as this, deserves a broader canvas. Arms, shin and back are the best places to get tattooed on the body.

Traditional Butterfly Aesthetic Tattoo

Traditional Butterfly Aesthetic Tattoo
@sebastiandomaschke via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Widely loved and created butterfly tattoo designs follow a set path when done traditionally. Bold lines are created to fill with vibrant colours; that is usually how a traditional tattoo demand is fulfilled. The given butterfly tattoo adds a fresh twist to the illustration by geometrically shaping it. Instead of using a free-flowing butterfly shape, the body art is created using lines and triangles to narrate the same beautiful shape of a butterfly but from a different perspective. The concept of femininity attached with butterflies and related tattoos must be left behind, and this fresh take can help to achieve so!

Floral Angel With Butterfly Wings Tattoo

Floral Angel With Butterfly Wings Tattoo
@oldsoul.tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Angel butterfly tattoos, as creative as this, are hard to find. The tattoo stars a gorgeous fairy, with her open-winged back towards us. What’s the catch? Instead of having genuine angel wings, the fairy sports one part of the wing of a butterfly’s while the other part is entirely made up of flowers. Butterfly tattoos are the best when used creatively. The fine line tattoo seems to work for this tattoo as it appears even more delicate and angelic. Borrowing a little floral magic from nature can work its way to improve your tattoo’s appearance to a great extent, so do not feel scared adding roses, lilies, sunflowers or any other floral arrangement surrounding your tattoo!

Spooky Butterfly And Snake Tattoo

Spooky Butterfly And Snake Tattoo
@mammon_black via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Angel tattoo designs catalyse positive energy through their spiritual and mythological prominence among people. For a change, this spooky touch can completely flip the vibe of a simple butterfly tattoo as its exceptional artwork is sure to make people wonder why, when, and how you got this tattoo. A tattoo sleeve full of Aztec culture inspired tattoos and this spooky, snake butterfly tattoo will lead uncountable eyes to reach out to you and ask for tattoo inspirations! The strong nature of the butterfly tattoo backdrop, inked in a splash-like effect, is improving how the butterflies look and would certainly start associating them with beauty, joy, and dread.

Angel Butterfly Wing Tattoo

Angel Butterfly Wing Tattoo
@suchaiglatattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A beautiful declaration of finding freedom in an exhilarating manner, that’s what this tattoo represents. An angel with butterfly wings is depicted with her arms wide open by using soft charcoal colours. Arms, shoulder, lower back, shin or tattoo sleeves, this tattoo style can be inked on any part of the body to express a valuable part of you. To add a few more elements enhancing its beauty, use roses or lilies around the butterfly tattoo!

Black Butterfly Tattoo As A Memorabilia

Black Butterfly Tattoo As A Memorabilia
@livtaylortats via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Tattoos created in memory of a loved one hold a dear place in our hearts. A tattoo as meaningful as these must incorporate creative illustrations keeping it personalised. A black butterfly tattoo memorabilia can be seen with a small butterfly fluttering over two hands. One is a human hand, and the other belongs to the one it is being dedicated to, along with a beautiful quote. The tattoo artist has inked all fascinating aspects in this one tattoo design, making it an excellent creation to look up for inspiration.

Colourful Traditional Butterfly Tattoos

Colourful Traditional Butterfly Tattoos
@karenglasstattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A simple traditional butterfly tattoo on their arm is all they need to be set for people who loathe complexities and over the top styles! The butterfly can be seen fluttering around a vibrant flower, indicating its freshness. To add to its natural beauty, gentle shades of blue and green colours are added to and around the flower. Overall, it is a great addition to your tattoo collection.

Butterfly With Skull On Wings Tattoo

Butterfly With Skull On Wings Tattoo
@bendunningtattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Adding skull to tattoo sleeves and design is an age-old process that needs more fresh takes and illustrations. Just what the artwork above successfully does. No one can guess how a sign that symbolises love, freedom and good luck can be used to create such a vicious looking tattoo. Overall, the butterfly tattoo looks extremely cool and is more than likely to steal attention from people. The charcoal black shade of the butterfly tattoo highlights this tattoo, helping the artwork pop out on butterfly wings.

Blue Monarch Butterfly Angel Tattoo

Blue Monarch Butterfly Angel Tattoo
@francescatattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This species of monarch butterflies sport gorgeous blue colour, delivering visual freshness and elegance. The tattoo uses a hard to notice, delicate blend of dark blue and light blue colours to depict various highlights of the butterfly wings. The delicate design easily connects with femininity and beauty, accentuating curves and spaces where it is being put on. Blue butterflies are not as widely found as the most popularly known black and orange ones, hence making them a rarity. Along with a simple blue butterfly tattoo, other ideas can be blended too to give it a completely new look. Angel wings, flowers, or skull, possibilities are endless!

Spread across many cultures with different significance, these two symbols are widely loved by audiences to get inked. The list above showcases diverse angel and butterfly tattoos for you to find the right match and go ahead with it. We hope you find the perfect tattoo inspiration relevant to what you have in your mind for the next tattoo. Just make sure you seek the right tattoo artist for the task, and the tattoo designs are good to get inked!

Here are a few more tattoo inspirations to keep you updated.

  1. Butterfly with angel tattoo on the ribs with swirls
  2. Angel holding butterfly tattoo
  3. Infinity butterfly tattoo
  4. Butterfly with angel wings wrist tattoo
  5. Butterfly angel puzzle tattoo
  6. Tattoo butterfly angel baby
  7. Tattoo angel butterfly mom

Still looking for inspiration, then checkout this blog post about angel tattoo ideas

Feature image from Pinterest

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