Home Tattoos 20+ Funny Tattoo Meme Ideas To Make Your Friends Laugh

20+ Funny Tattoo Meme Ideas To Make Your Friends Laugh

by Jamie Wilson
Tattoo Quotes Meme

In the vast and vibrant world of body art, there exists a delicate intersection where ink meets intellect, where culture meets creativity, and where aesthetics meets affirmation. This is the realm of tattoo quotes meme ideas, a uniquely contemporary approach to personal expression through tattoos. This blog post explores this fascinating concept, delving into its potential for meaning-making, design possibilities, and socio-cultural implications.

10 Best Tattoo Quotes Meme Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!
@ignorantstyletattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

We navigate the rich landscape of memes, cherished for their humor and relatability, and explore their integration into the tattoo domain, a realm recognized for its profound symbolism and artistic beauty. Together, they form a distinct blend of whimsy and wisdom, using the power of words and visuals to tell stories, articulate beliefs, or mark personal milestones on the canvas of the human body.

In this post, we aim to help readers gain a deep understanding of tattoo quotes meme ideas, presenting a broad spectrum of designs from minimalistic text to elaborate illustrative compositions. We delve into the origins, trends, and the conceptual significance of these tattoos, discussing what they signify and how they contribute to the broader discourse on personal identity in today’s interconnected world.

Whether you’re a seasoned tattoo enthusiast, a curious novice, or a professional seeking fresh inspiration, this blog post will equip you with the essential facts and engaging insights about tattoo quotes meme ideas. By the end, you will be well-versed in the phenomenon, understanding its appeal and potential, whether it’s for your own artistic exploration or to deepen your appreciation of this fascinating facet of modern tattoo culture.

Funny Tattoo Meme Quotes

Funny Tattoo Meme Quotes
@jankydoodlez via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

The traditional perspective on tattoos implies that each piece should hold deep meaning or a design reflective of one’s identity. However, meme-inspired tattoos challenge this viewpoint, offering a choice to select body art purely for amusement. An example is the caricature of a man often seen in satirical memes, paired with a sharp comment. The informal font and stark outlines highlight the playful essence of this tattoo style. For a simpler approach, consider getting just the quote inked.

Spongebob Meme Tattoo Quotes

Spongebob Meme Tattoo Quotes
@rhithehuman via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

In line with the meme trend, we see popular animations like Spongebob becoming part of tattoo designs. Leveraging a widely recognized meme template, the artist employs an unsteady font to augment the light-hearted aspect. The color palette is subdued, with meticulous attention to character details. A popular Spongebob quote adds a relatable touch, resulting in a versatile design that can fit various contexts.

Spongebob Meme Tattoo Quotes
@redpandameg via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Sed Hours Tattoo Meme Ideas

Sed Hours Tattoo Meme Ideas
@ignorantstyletattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

For individuals resonating with melancholy, meme tattoos provide a creative outlet to express this sentiment. These designs often portray intense emotions, presenting a mix of complex feelings in a straightforward manner. A depiction of a therapy session, for instance, conveys a sense of raw vulnerability. The sudden inclusion of unrelated elements, like a helicopter, enhances the enigmatic appeal of these tattoo designs.

Sed Hours Tattoo Meme Ideas
@tephrania via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Doge Meme Tattoos

Doge Meme Tattoos
@saanataiga via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Dog memes, a sudden internet sensation, offer another rich source of inspiration. Among these, the Doge meme stands out for its relatability, serving as a reminder of life’s challenging moments. The choice between simple black outlines and the original vibrant colors allows for personalization, ensuring a unique piece of body art.

Trendy Cat Meme Tattoo

Trendy Cat Meme Tattoo
@anymarkli via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Cat meme tattoos capitalize on the internet’s love for felines. One such popular tattoo features an ‘angry’ ginger cat, which can be inked in a straightforward black or rendered in detailed color, capturing the true essence of this beloved meme. Its compact size allows it to be placed virtually anywhere on the body for optimal visibility.

Politically Incorrect Tattoo Quotes Meme

Politically Incorrect Tattoo Quotes Meme
@inkdex.app via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

For those daring enough to venture into more controversial areas, politically incorrect meme tattoos offer an opportunity to display a bold attitude. These designs often contain sarcastic commentary on common tattoo themes, serving as a tongue-in-cheek critique of clichés.

Motivational Tattoo Meme Ideas

Motivational Tattoo Meme Ideas
@tautuaje.ink via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Turning to more uplifting options, motivational meme tattoos utilize cheerful imagery and uplifting quotes to boost morale. From joyful raccoons to popular characters like Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman, these tattoos blend pop culture references with an encouraging message.

Motivational Tattoo Meme Ideas
@nikii_neko_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Pokemon Memes Tattoo

Pokemon Memes Tattoo
@daniwilsonart via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

In the realm of meme-inspired tattoos, Pokemon characters, such as Pikachu, hold a special place. With a striking facial expression paired with a well-used remark, such tattoos create an interesting blend of nostalgia and modern meme culture.

Trippy Tattoo Meme Quotes

Trippy Tattoo Meme Quotes
@eche_ttt via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Those seeking more unconventional designs might appreciate a collage-like, surreal tattoo meme. These tattoos combine a multitude of elements, creating a dream-like or graffiti-inspired aesthetic. With the use of vibrant colors, such designs can embody the psychedelic vibe, making a bold and playful statement.

Funny Tattoo Memes On Life

Funny Tattoo Memes On Life
@fernandoalemantattooargentina via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Existential meme tattoos often feature humorous characters from popular culture expressing sentiments about life’s absurdities. With a blend of light-hearted imagery and darker commentary, these tattoos offer an engaging and thought-provoking take on our existence.

Funny Tattoo Memes On Life
@jankydoodlez via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Need More Inspiration

Tattoo Quotes Meme
@sometimesifeelbluee via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo
Tattoo Quotes Meme
@lipnetattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo
Tattoo Quotes Meme
@purpledicktattoo and healing_runa via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo
Tattoo Quotes Meme
@blutoad_tattoos via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Why Are Meme Tattoos Popular?

Tattoo quotes meme ideas hold considerable significance in our increasingly interconnected world. They serve as a unique cultural artifact of the digital age, reflecting the pervasive influence of internet culture and the blending of online and offline worlds. Here’s why:

  1. Self-Expression and Individuality: These tattoos provide a novel way for people to express their individuality, humor, interests, and worldview. They allow for the embodiment of personal sentiments and shared cultural moments in a visually striking and enduring form.
  2. Cultural Connectivity: Memes are a universal language in the digital era. They transcend geographical, linguistic, and cultural boundaries, enabling people from diverse backgrounds to connect over shared humor, experiences, and perspectives. Tattoo quotes meme ideas draw upon this cultural phenomenon, fostering a sense of global connectivity and shared experience.
  3. Reflection of Modern Society: These tattoos reflect the zeitgeist of modern society, where internet culture heavily influences our everyday lives. They encapsulate trends, social sentiments, and popular discourse, serving as a visual commentary on contemporary society.
  4. Narrative of the Self: Tattoo quotes meme ideas allow individuals to tell their personal stories in a way that resonates with their digitally oriented lifestyles. They merge traditional tattoo symbolism with modern cultural references, creating a narrative that is both personal and culturally relevant.

In essence, the significance of tattoo quotes meme ideas lies in their ability to encapsulate the essence of our digital age, serving as a form of personal expression that resonates with the broader cultural zeitgeist. They stand at the crossroads of traditional body art and modern internet culture, symbolizing the interconnectedness of our world today.

7 Different Types Of Meme-inspired Tattoo Designs?

Meme-inspired tattoos cover a vast range of designs, each drawing inspiration from the wealth of viral internet content. Here are some of the different types:

  1. Character Meme Tattoos: These tattoos feature iconic characters from popular memes, such as Pepe the Frog, Spongebob Squarepants, or the Doge Shiba Inu dog. The design may replicate the meme exactly or reinterpret it in the tattoo artist’s style.
  2. Quote Meme Tattoos: Some people opt for a tattoo of a well-known phrase or punchline from a meme. Examples could include text from the “This is Fine” comic or the catchphrase “Ermahgerd.”
  3. Meme Scene Tattoos: Certain memes involve a whole scene or scenario, which can be depicted in a tattoo. For example, a tattoo might depict the distracted boyfriend scene or the expanding brain sequence.
  4. Internet Culture Tattoos: Some meme tattoos reflect broader internet culture rather than specific memes. These might include tattoos of popular emoticons, shorthand phrases (like ‘LOL’ or ‘BRB’), or the logos of social media platforms.
  5. Animated Gif Tattoos: With advancements in tattoo technology, there’s even potential for tattoos based on animated memes. Using methods like UV ink or augmented reality, these tattoos bring the dynamic nature of memes into the realm of body art.
  6. Hybrid Meme Tattoos: Some meme tattoos combine elements from various memes or internet trends to create a new, hybrid design. For example, a tattoo might mash up characters from several different memes into one scene.
  7. Abstract Meme Tattoos: These tattoos take a more abstract approach, using symbolism or metaphor to represent a meme or internet trend. For example, a tattoo might use a flame to symbolize the “fire” reaction emoji or a broken heart to represent the sentiment behind a sad reaction meme.

Each of these meme-inspired tattoo designs offers a unique way to express one’s personality, humor, and engagement with internet culture, providing a creative fusion of traditional tattoo artistry and modern digital trends. Meme tattoos represent a significant shift in the perception and purpose of tattoos, challenging traditional views in several ways:

  1. Symbolism and Meaning: Traditionally, tattoos often carry profound personal or symbolic meaning. They might represent a significant life event, a personal belief, or a tribute to a loved one. However, meme tattoos, while they can certainly hold personal significance, often prioritize humor, trendiness, or cultural commentary. They represent a shift towards tattoos as a form of entertainment and social engagement rather than strictly personal symbolism.
  2. Permanence and Trends: Tattoos are traditionally considered a lifelong commitment, with designs chosen for their enduring personal relevance. In contrast, memes are inherently fleeting and trend-based. Meme tattoos challenge the notion of tattoos as permanent and timeless, embracing the ephemeral nature of internet culture.
  3. Cultural Respectability: Tattoos have often been viewed as countercultural or rebellious. While this perspective has changed significantly in recent decades, meme tattoos push the boundary further by drawing on elements of popular culture often considered frivolous or nonsensical. This challenges traditional notions of what is “worthy” of being memorialized as a tattoo.
  4. Accessibility and Universality: Traditionally, tattoos often involve unique, custom designs created in collaboration between the artist and client. Meme tattoos, however, draw from universally recognizable images and phrases. This reflects a shift towards more accessible, shared cultural references in tattoo art.
  5. Seriousness and Levity: Tattoos are often viewed as a serious form of self-expression. Meme tattoos introduce an element of levity and playfulness, challenging the idea that tattoos must be solemn or serious to be valuable or meaningful.

In these ways, meme tattoos challenge traditional perspectives, reflecting the evolving role of tattoos as a form of personal expression intertwined with digital culture and shared societal trends. They embody the shifting cultural context of the 21st century, in which the line between our physical lives and our digital identities becomes increasingly blurred.


As we’ve traversed the captivating universe of meme-inspired tattoo quotes, it’s crucial to keep a few factors in mind. Firstly, the selection of your design is paramount—ensure it’s a choice you can appreciate over time, not just a fleeting trend. Secondly, it’s essential to engage a reputable, skilled tattoo artist who can bring your chosen meme to life with precision, ensuring it is both visually striking and able to endure. And finally, consider the permanence and visibility of your tattoo, taking into account its potential impact on various aspects of your life such as professional scenarios or societal perception.

Despite the playful and contemporary nature of meme tattoos, they do carry the same risks as traditional tattoos, including the possibility of allergic reactions, infections, or dissatisfaction with the final result. It’s thus imperative to conduct due diligence, maintaining hygiene during the tattooing process and adhering to aftercare instructions.

However, don’t let these considerations overshadow the joy of expressing yourself through this unique form of body art. Meme tattoos represent a fusion of pop culture, personal sentiment, and creative artistry—a way to wear your perspective on your skin. With the right approach, your meme tattoo can be a unique, engaging, and personally meaningful addition to your life. You are now well-informed about the array of possibilities in this modern art form. The canvas awaits your story, your humor, your values, and your worldview. Be bold, be discerning, and embrace the opportunity to transform a piece of internet culture into a personal statement.

Feature Image from Pinterest

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