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If you are looking for with pain comes strength tattoos, read on to discover some of the most mind-blowing with pain comes strength tattoo designs.
With pain comes strength tattoo can be an interesting concept for people who want to magnify their appearance as well as boast their confidence.
With pain comes strength tattoo basically means what apparently seems to be painful is actually the doorstep for something better. After all, pain and strength are the two faces of a coin.
With pain comes strength tattoos, with their wide variety, being engraved on your skin, which are bound to get you noticed. These tattoos not only enhance your fashion wardrobe but also serve you with a meaningful purpose. With pain comes strength tattoos work as a reminder that pain is a facet of our life, which, if dealt with a positive outlook, can only escalate our growth. Below are some cool, with pain comes strength tattoo designs.
With Pain Comes Strength Two Faced Tattoo
Pain and strength go parallelly. Pain gives you the ability to utilize your inner strength and hope that after the stormy days, eventually, the sun will come out.
This particular with pain comes strength tattoo design rightly serves the theme. It is a beautifully carved artwork with words written in cursive font. Though in the picture, the tattoo is done around the lower leg, you can get it inked around either sides of your wrist area. Choosing a fine tattoo design is not enough; you need to find an experienced tattoo artist whose expertise can create this delicacy.
With Pain Comes Strength Back Tattoo
The position of a tattoo is very crucial as each tattoo position refers different significance. Also the placing of a tattoo can tell a lot about a person. So the choice of placing a tattoo can not be done randomly.
We often tend to forget the importance of the most significant things in our life. The back literally gets our ‘back’. It represents the foundation of our life. But we seldom give it a thought. With pain comes strength tattoo on the back similarly signifies that the back is the basis that strengthens us when the pain encompasses. Moreover, getting this tattoo on your back can be promising, as shown in the picture, the back has ample space for the words to be inked in an attractively elegant way.
With Pain Comes Strength Ribcage Tattoo
Ribcage can be a unique as well as a fascinating placement for a tattoo. Getting a rib piece is actually a big deal as it requires a great deal of skin to be bared. It literally takes a lot of strength to endure the pain while undergoing the needlework on your ribcage. The person who chooses his ribcage as the canvas for having a with pain comes strength tattoo, definitely exhibiting courage, bravery, and flexibility.
Mostly women are fond of this particular tattoo as it fits perfectly well with their feminine attributes, such as tolerance, intricacy, and depth. Women are bestowed with the gift of bringing new life to this earth, and that is not easy work. It takes a lot of patience and struggles which eventually come up with the strength to accomplish the whole process. Similarly, women endure the pain gracefully while having carved with pain comes strength tattoo on the ribcage.
With Pain Comes Strength Butterfly Tattoo
The prime theme a butterfly represents is metamorphosis. And what can be a fitting example of metamorphosis rather than the journey of a person who nullifies his pain and capitalizes on his strength. A butterfly makes a lot of effort pushing its way out of the pupa which eventually enables it the strength to arise whole and fly.
Likewise, a strong-willed person gathers enough strength to overshadow his pain. Thus, with pain comes strength tattoos inked with a butterfly showcasing a person’s power to consider pain as the stimulation for a better life. However, in other ways, the butterfly resembles a fleeting life. People who live life to the fullest, except worrying about the future, can opt for this tattoo.
With Pain Comes Strength Lion Face Tattoo
Lion is one of the most powerful animal. With the word ‘lion’ what readily comes into our mind are royalty, solidity, and leadership. The vitality of the lion resembles youth and liveliness. Whether the shields of warriors or the flags of medieval kingdoms, history bears the proof of lion’s nobility.
Men are most likely prone to get this tattoo. With pain comes strength tattoo, including a lion face signifies their fearless individuality, it even marks their ability to confront the challenges with courage. However, for the women, it personifies their motherhood and capacity to act as the provider of the family. Some of the most promising placements for with pain comes strength lion tattoos are chest, arms and legs. These powerful parts of the body provide enough space for the artwork to be done subtly.
With pain comes strength lotus-moon tattoo
With pain comes strength tattoos inked with the symbol of lotus-moon can be suitable for both men and women. While the moon represents the passing times, the lotus personifies purity. So, basically, this tattoo signifies change with purity. Life is a process of constant change. When the pain embraces us, we often get so immersed in despair that we forget, this phase shall pass soon. It is the strength that gets through our pain and makes us realize that despite all odds, in the end, everything makes sense.
The phrase ‘with pain comes strength’ written with a lotus-moon symbol is also relevant for the people who are inspired by spirituality. In spiritualism, this tattoo symbolizes the process of healing.
With pain comes strength rose tattoo
In 600BC, the Greek poetess Sapho proclaimed Rose as the ‘Queen of flowers’. Apparently, roses are significantly coupled with passion and selfless love across the world. But other innumerable significances can be found depending on their variety of colors. A yellow rose symbolizes ecstasy, while a white rose signifies serenity and mysticism. On the other hand, a blue rose resembles unattainable, whereas the pink rose represents innocence and healing. Red roses are conventionally representative of romance, sacrifice, and memorial; black roses convey the sense of death and farewell.
With pain comes strength, rose tattoos showcase a person’s unique personality like the rose itself. A rose blooms elegantly even after being surrounded by thorns. Likewise, this marvelous tattoo will mirror how, despite confronting challenges, you keep your head held high. You can get this tattoo on your neck or on either side of your wrist. Though in the picture the rose is engraved with shades of black, it will also look gorgeous if tinted with some shades of red.
With pain comes strength phoenix tattoo
The phoenix is the personification of rebirth and strength makes itself a captivating subject to have inked. This mythical bird has been associated with many cultures since ancient times. In Greek mythology, the phoenix signifies fire and sun. The firebird is said to have undergone cycles and revived through the ashes of its precursor bursting into flames. This is why it is associated with renewal.
Similarly, pain is a never-ending process of our life, and we continue to resurrect ourselves from time to time. The thigh is a popular choice of placement for with pain comes strength phoenix tattoo among the women. As the location is exquisitely sexy and intensifies the natural feminine curves as shown in the picture. Besides, here in this picture, you can see, being a larger design the tattoo allows much detailing, which is needed to create this impressive outcome.
With pain comes strength broken-heart tattoo
Every single person on this earth experiences heart-break once in a lifetime. Irrespective of men and women, while undergoing a heart-break are left with trauma, depression, and trust-issues. This is a state of extreme grief, and not everyone is capable of enduring it. But once recovered, this experience only increases self-confidence, self-love and freedom.
So, with pain comes strength tattoo, carved with an image of a broken-heart, metaphorically signifies the physical and emotional hardships one has gone through. This tattoo also represents that the person acting as the canvas is not fragile.
With pain comes strength feather tattoo
With pain comes feather tattoos are figurative of several things depending on your choice of bird. A peacock’s feather personifies protection and beauty, while the feather of an eagle represents respect and honor. But on the whole, with pain comes strength feather tattoos imply independence, wisdom, and strength. Although in the picture the tattoo is done on the rib; the forearms, the collarbone, and either side of the ankles are also some of the popular choice when it comes to placement.
Women are most likely fond of having this particular tattoo. women have been victims of confinement since ancient times. Even today, across the world, women are bound to do things against their will. But needless to say, women’s persistence paved the way for their success in a patriarchal society. So, getting inked with pain comes strength feather tattoo reveals a personality that possesses free-spirit and the ability to choose oneself before what others think.
Not many of us are capable of avoiding the pain we feel. So, instead of escaping it, we should accept it and take measures to find the strength for a new beginning. After all, the pain reminds us that we are still alive. The words ‘with pain comes strength’ inked with deep meaningful tattoo symbols typically translate the ‘inner you’ through your body and act as a realization that we are much more than just an aching creature.
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Feature Image from Pinterest – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo