Home Tattoos 101 Best Scary Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

101 Best Scary Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

by Jamie Wilson

Faint hearts are requested to stay away from this page cause a trail of scary tattoo concepts will be discussed which might chill your bones.

Scary Tattoo
@_kennygo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Scary tattoos are not only meant to terrify people; instead, they have a cloistered meaning and require one to reach the zenith of thoughts to decipher them.

Darkness is the ultimate source of fear, and the creatures, both imaginary and non-imaginary, further intensify it. There are never-ending spooky elements that are used to scare people through horror movies or cartoons and even through artworks like tattoos.

The catalog of scary tattoos has endless styles. Also, they can be disseminated to multiple parts of the body, and each tattoo artist will love to ink the haunting ideas. Keeping aside the contemplation of one-track minds, the dark world, the sign of exorcism, unrealistic beliefs, and every sign of devilish affairs, what we need to understand is that scary tattoos are not only for unsettled or unbalanced ones but also for the ink-passions who always remain unconfined to express themselves. From devastating rapscallions to excruciating cut wounds to devilish aberrant creatures to macabre skulls, scary tattoos account for pharaonic styles. Keep on reading and witness the dark but different mystic forms of scary tattoos.

Scary Clown Tattoo

Scary Clown Tattoo
@paulslifertattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Clowns are comical characters disguised by people to make others entertained. They are mostly noticed in magic shows or prank video shoots. But apart from this waggish stuff, a few people can get disturbed with clowns. Coulrophobia, or the excessive fear of clowns, is nightmarish stuff imagining all the inanities done by a creepy clown.

This thigh tattoo’s color of an evil-looking clown represents the Pan African ideology. The mood of a clown can switch in a second from immature comedies to extreme horror activities. This idea altogether can create a notion for scary tattoos, and the devil-faced clown with bloody tears depicts the scary nature hidden under the funny face.

Scary Patchwork Tattoo

Scary Patchwork Tattoo
@tattooleky via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Patchwork tattoos are scattered small ones together, forming a tattoo idea instead of one large tattoo. They are a trendy and aesthetic tattoo concept and are seamlessly popular among celebrities. The main agenda is to catch the eye, feel multiple creative tattoos’ vibes and decipher the true essence of a multiverse of tattoo ideas.

This patchwork tattoo has every possible scary element, from a spooky monster to a skull between cross swords and even a creepy spider. The combination of black and white and colored tattoos executes the perfect design of patchwork tattoos. This is a freakish idea of scary tattoos, and anyone can read this concept of unveiled darkness through different horror fragments.

Scary Eyes Tattoo

Scary Eyes Tattoo
@613tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Scary eyes are one of the devilish forms in the dark dimension. Being the most beautiful part of the body, the eyes can capture and depict stories. The charming appearance can be altered at any moment to a creepy look, and things can escalate suddenly into an upside-down.

This is a very detailed textured tattoo. Although the spooky eyes capture all the attention, the extremely creative black textures on the outline cannot be ignored as well. The face of this portrait has been made extra dark to add to the creepy essence. Scary eyes can be inked in various forms and will surely haunt the viewers as nightmares.

Spooky Teddy Bear Tattoo

Spooky Teddy Bear Tattoo
@koitattooil via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Small tattoos look cool, catch the eye at a glimpse, and further force the viewer to have a thorough look and explore deeply about the theme. Smaller or minimalist tattoos can represent flowers or animals, and if someone wants to ink something uncanny, a spooky teddy bear tattoo can be the perfect fit.

The killer teddy bear with wounded eyes and a blood-filled knife is a miniature arm tattoo. It might look cute from a distance, but looking deep down into it, one can feel his nerves. One of the cute creepy tattoos that can surely inspire scary tattoo lovers, this spooky teddy bear tattoo can surely keep one at the edge of the seats with arrhythmic symptoms.

Scary Neck Tattoo

Scary Neck Tattoo
@kasia_werberg via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Necks are one of the sensitive parts of the human anatomy, and they offer a very high risk of inking a tattoo. The tattoo artist needs to be very careful to create a neck tattoo along with the sheer patience of the tattooed, which also gets tested during the process. Just as cutting the neck or the throat depicts a savage way of murder, a scary tattoo on the neck will create a menacing scenario

One of the darkest haunting experiences can be witnessed with just a glimpse of this utmost creepy level of a neck tattoo. The Venom teeth or rapacious teeth-like design contributes to one of the creepiest tattoos one can ever imagine in his life. The black shades and the faded sharp-white teeth set the absolute level of carnage any scary tattoo can bear. If one has to ink a scary neck or a scary face tattoo, open-cut wounds, ferocious teeth, or dark patches of monsters will be the ideal design to choose from.

Zombie Tattoo

Zombie Tattoo
@cable.tattoos via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Zombies are walking dead, mostly seen in video games or horror movies. They are formed by virus infections and a normal human being can be transformed into a zombie if it gets infected. Zombies move slowly but in groups; their attack is called the zombie apocalypse. Zombie tattoos are quite intriguing and fall under the eccentric category of spooky tattoos.

The deformed shapes that zombies take are well reflected in this scary tattoo design. The dripping dead skin of this walking monster with scary contorted teeth and blue dots as the sign of spooky eyes is some seriously scary stuff. Zombie tattoos can be inked in different shapes and structures and each design provides many relevant forms of scary ink inspiration.

Scary Doll Tattoo

Scary Doll Tattoo
@inkadinkadoo_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Scary dolls have been creepy elements for a long, long time. The idea of these spooky dolls was common in puppet shows to entertain children and they gradually emerged to be the essence of creepy and darkest nightmares. Annabelle is the most common example of a scary doll majorly noticed in movies and provides ample ink ideas in these categories.

This exact creepy doll tattoo idea is a common sight in horror movies. The little girl is staring at the mirror and a creepy doll is only seen behind her in the reflective image but not in reality. This is an age-old notion in horror genres and transforming it into a tattoo idea is indeed a bold step. The unique detailing of ink makes the tattoo look cool as well as scary and certainly accounts for haunting down the nerves when someone re-imagines about in the dark or an isolated place.

Scary Upper Arm Tattoo

Scary Upper Arm Tattoo
@anders_grucz_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Upper arm tattoos or half-sleeve arm tattoos can portray a plethora of ink ideas. Since it has a huge area of curvature, the canvas can be used to ink heavily detailed designs. When it comes to scary tattoos, the upper arms or the shoulders are a prime spot as they can fit any design with respect to this theme.

This upper arm tattoo is a scary tattoo of Nemesis, the Greek goddess of retribution. The shaded black parts are accurately designed to point out this scary tattoo’s spooky eyes and creepy teeth. It can be covered anytime with a full-sleeve outfit or can be revealed wearing sleeve-less tees to convey the message of punishing the offenders just as Nemesis enacted punishment for evil deeds.

Scary House Tattoo

Scary House Tattoo
@ghostshipshefford via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Scary houses existed since time immemorial. The main content is the manors, worn-out hotels, palaces, and even residential hostels, and most of them are seen widely in horror movies. They contribute majorly to the idea of scary tattoos and can be a difficult task for any artist as they account for the theme of scenic tattoos.

The ultimate example of a scary tattoo. The ramshackle house with a spooky gate and scary pumpkins spreading all over the decaying garden with bats flying over it are one of the best designs in the category of horror tattoos. Also, the main beauty of this tattoo is that it covers the entire forearm and reflects two different relevant scary themes when observed from different angles.

Halloween Themed Tattoo

Halloween Themed Tattoo
@thehalloweenpage via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Halloween is a celebration by Christians on the eve of All Hallow’s Day and is carried on from the ancient Celtic festival Samhain. The present-day Halloween is a fun and spooky holiday for all age groups and streets are filled with adults and children with costumes of terrifying monsters or skull masks. Several horror-themed events are organized on this day and children’s long wait for the trick or treat is anticipated. The pumpkin is cut into a scary look to drive off the evil spirits and is the main essence of this auspicious day; it can also contribute to thrilling tattoo ideas.

This half-sleeve tattoo has every scary element one can ask for. The theme of Halloween has been portrayed here with an ancient manor and a scary pumpkin engraved under it and, of course, with a skeleton on top and evil bats surrounding it. This tattoo is one of the improvised creepy tattoos or scary Halloween tattoo designs and can be inked to dictate one’s love for this famous festival.

Scary tattoos are globally recognized as the scariest elements that can be categorized under a common tattoo theme. If an extra edge of design or modification is added to these elements and the wearer is bold enough to showcase them, one should not give a second thought but choose his next or new ink from this outlandish set of ideas. Few other forms relevant to scary tattoos are:

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What should I do if I’m considering a scary tattoo?

If you are considering a scary tattoo, it is important to think carefully before making any decisions. You should research the intended design and its possible meaning, to make sure that you understand what it represents and whether it fits with your own personal values. Consider how it may affect your future professional prospects or relationships, as well as if there are any cultural or religious implications. It is also a good idea to speak with a professional tattoo artist for advice and guidance. They can help you make sure that the design is well-executed, and will be able to provide any aftercare advice specific to your chosen design. Finally, ensure that you are completely comfortable before going ahead with the tattoo — both physically and mentally. If you have any doubts, it’s best to wait until you are more sure about your decision before permanently marking your skin.

What are some aftercare tips for a scary tattoo?

The aftercare for a scary tattoo is the same as it would be for any other type of tattoo. It’s important to keep the area clean and apply a thin layer of fragrance-free moisturizer twice daily. Wear loose clothing over the tattoo and avoid activities that could cause friction or irritation, such as swimming or hot tubs. Stay out of the sun, and if you do go out in the sun make sure to apply a high SPF sunscreen. Avoid picking at any scabs or flakes that form as this can cause infection. Lastly, keep an eye out for possible signs of infection such as redness, swelling, pain and oozing discharge. If any of these symptoms occur, it is important to contact your doctor for advice. Following these tips should help keep your scary tattoo looking its best.

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