Home Tattoos 101 Best Samurai Hand Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

101 Best Samurai Hand Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

by Jamie Wilson
Best Samurai Hand Tattoos

Do you really like Samurais and want to get Samurai tattoos? This is the right place to get all the information. Check out some samurai hand tattoo ideas.

Samurai Hand Tattoo Ideas
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Samurai is actually a member of a powerful military caste in medieval or ancient Japan. They had special privileges and high prestige and honour.

Samurai is a symbol of bravery and honour not just for the Japanese people but also for the people around the whole world. The symbolic meaning of the Samurai mask is warriors or knights. The word Samurai comes from a Japanese word which means to watch over and was used as a general term for those who were already in the employ of nobility. 

Japanese Samurai mask tattoo is extremely popular in young culture. Many people prefer to get inked on their hands with a samurai tattoo because it gives them a cool look. And since this tattoo art is extremely popular with young age people, there are a lot of variations in it as well. This samurai tattoo has a human skull and carries a sword in one hand and an arrow in another. This samurai tattoo even has the hands of a skeleton. This tattoo is more like a dead samurai has come right out from its grave and coming to fight someone.

The Samurai Mask Tattoo with Red Flowers

The Samurai Mask Tattoo with Red Flowers
@davidbctwilliamstattoos via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

These samurai mask tattoo designs are very common. This traditional Japanese samurai tattoo represents the warriors that samurai are actually known to be. This Japanese mask tattoo also has canines outside its mouth. Such a tattoo is actually made to symbolise the bravery and nobility of a person. This tattoo perfectly fits the lower arm. These traditional samurai tattoos give the tattoo bearer a warrior vibe which makes them confident as well.

This specific samurai tattoo also has flowers of red colour on it. The whole tattoo is of black colour and just the flowers are of red colour. These flowers represent colours in their lives. But most importantly these flowers make the tattoo look good.

Half Samurai Half Human Tattoo

Half Samurai Half Human Tattoo
@verikansa via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This samurai tattoo has a human’s face most of it covered by the samurai mask but not fully. Almost half of it is human and the rest of it is a samurai. It is more as if the human is transforming into a samurai. The samurai portion is depicted in red colour and in that portion, the sharp long canines of this samurai mask tattoo are totally coming out. The human part has its hair tied up exactly like the ancient Japanese warriors.

This tattoo depicts anger towards the samurai’s enemies and he is coming to finish them off. The eyes of this samurai are so vengeful. This tattoo is a perfect fit for the lower arm.

The Glowing Eyes Samurai Mask tattoo

The Glowing Eyes Samurai Mask tattoo
@tattooprodigies via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This Japanese samurai mask tattoo has a lot of vibrant colours in it. This samurai mask has glowing eyes and sharp, big fierce-looking teeth as if it is coming to finish off whoever says anything against the person wearing the mask. This samurai mask tattoo even has a fierce-looking animal on its helmet also. All the colours used in this tattoo are bright colours and that is why, this tattoo is also very eye-catching, but yes, at the same time, this tattoo gives a fierce look as well.

This Samurai Japanese hand tattoo is an amazing example of detailed body art. The helmet of the mask itself is such a detailed work of art. Then, the face of the mask, the teeth, the chin of the mask, the beard, each and everything is done in such details. And this detail gives quite a scary look to this tattoo also. This samurai mask tattoo is best suited for the upper arm since it needs a wider surface area and the upper arm offers it so. This tattoo will surely grab attention in a room or an open space full of people.

The Black and Red Samurai Warrior tattoo

The Black and Red Samurai Warrior tattoo
@alienstattooindia via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This is the most popular traditional Japanese samurai hand tattoo. This tattoo art totally symbolises what a samurai in its true sense is. A samurai is a warrior who is fully covered in armour and even a mask goes to battle with his sword. This tattoo exactly depicts that. The samurai is going to fight his battle. This tattoo is a very good choice for not just the upper arm but any part of the hand.

The red symbolises bloodshed which is bound to happen on a battlefield. And after all this bloodshed, he has achieved victory. This tattoo represents sole power. It is because of the samurai that the kingdom won the war. This tattoo represents that. It’s as if the samurai did all the bloodshed himself so his king could rule peacefully and saved all his fellow warriors from the sin of killing people by taking all the burden to himself.

The Black Japanese Samurai Mask Smoke Tattoo

The Black Japanese Samurai Mask Smoke Tattoo
@no.38312512 via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This samurai tattoo is totally made of black ink. This tattoo gives a smoke effect as if the samurai is appearing from nowhere, as if the samurai is forming from mere dust and coming to finish off his enemies. And it is as if this samurai is approaching on a horse and moving swiftly towards its enemies to finish them off.

This samurai tattoo also gives a symbol of power. This samurai depicts anger and power. Even the eyes of this samurai depict anger and it is as if he is going toward his enemies with that anger to finish them off.

The Minimalist Japanese Samurai Mask tattoo

The Minimalist Japanese Samurai Mask tattoo
@ric_shades_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This is one of the smallest and most minimalist samurai tattoo designs one can have. Since this is much smaller when compared with the other tattoos, this tattoo will easily fit a hand of any size. This tattoo does not contain any other ink other than black. The four canines of this samurai are coming out of his mouth as if he is coming to almost engulf his enemies.

This samurai tattoo has its eyes totally in black colour which signifies rage and anger toward its enemies. These eyes also give quite a scary look to the samurai as well. Those eyes give an eerie vibe to this tattoo and that is why it is a good tool to even scare off people whom one wants to avoid.

The Japanese Samurai and the Japanese Temple tattoo

The Japanese Samurai and the Japanese Temple tattoo
@flavio_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This samurai tattoo carries a number of swords. This looks as if it is going to conquer the whole world. And the samurai has a laugh on its face as if it is coming to finish off the whole world and take control over it.

This samurai mask tattoo has not only the Japanese samurai but also a Japanese temple in it. The Japanese temple represents Japanese culture. These samurai tattoo designs are used to highlight ancient Japanese culture. The Japanese temple gives a soothing vibe to the people who see it.

The Lone Samurai Tattoo

The Lone Samurai Tattoo
@dougink via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This Japanese Samurai tattoo is an example of traditional Japanese tattoos. In this tattoo, the samurai wears an old Japanese hat which was mostly worn by the Japanese travellers in ancient Japan. This tattoo depicts a total scenery of the samurai travelling from a distant place and finally, he got what he was looking for, and that is solace. The blowing hair implies that a cool breeze is blowing and the sun is setting behind the clouds. There are even birds flying in the sky in this tattoo. This is a very eye soothing tattoo as well.

This tattoo is made of mostly black ink and the flowers are only coloured in red. The red colour in this tattoo symbolises solace. This tattoo says that this samurai has travelled a lot for solace and maybe in this particular place, he finds solace. This tattoo signifies a lone samurai who does not want to fight anymore but wants peace in life and hence he is searching for it everywhere. This tattoo is best suited for the upper arm.

The Japanese Samurai Sleeve Tattoo

The Japanese Samurai Sleeve Tattoo
@yankeetattooink via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This is a magnificent samurai mask tattoo containing a lot of colours. This tattoo has red blue and orange colours in it. This is an extremely detailed tattoo made by a very good tattoo artist. The colours pop up in such a bright way and that makes this tattoo look so good. The glowing eyes give this tattoo quite a scary look.

This samurai tattoo stares with its glowing eyes as if he is going to kill his enemies with just his eyes. The eyes are filled with so much anger and rage that they will burn down the enemies. This tattoo is a great start to making oneself confident and certain about his own self.

Samurai Tattoo With Japanese Letters

Samurai Tattoo With Japanese Letters
@tattoosbylynn_sdt via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This tattoo is totally made of black ink. In this samurai tattoo, the samurai mask gives us a sense of being extremely angry and stiff. And since the tattoo is totally black, it looks even scarier.

This tattoo has Japanese letters on it as well written in black ink. Now, not everyone knows how to read Japanese, and for that very specific reason, it gives a mysterious vibe to the tattoo. This is a great tattoo for the upper arm. And if you are looking for other options for samurai tattoos, here is a list of some other designs of samurai hand tattoos which you will find intriguing :

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What is a samurai hand tattoo?

A samurai hand tattoo is a type of traditional Japanese tattoo that features a representation of a samurai’s hand. It may also include other elements such as kanji characters, swords, dragons, flowers, and other symbols associated with samurai culture. Samurai hand tattoos are often seen as an expression of strength and courage. They can be designed in both full-color and traditional black and gray. This type of body art is gaining in popularity due to its meaningful symbolism and aesthetically pleasing design. Samurai hand tattoos are a great way to pay homage to Japanese history, as well as show off your own unique style.

What is the significance of a samurai hand tattoo?

Samurai hand tattoos have a deep and meaningful significance. They are a traditional Japanese symbol of courage and strength, which represents the samurai code of honor known as Bushido. These tattoos can also represent loyalty, respect, and discipline. Some may even choose to get a samurai hand tattoo to commemorate a loved one or honor their own personal journey through life. Ultimately, these tattoos are a way for those who wear them to visually express their own unique values and beliefs.

What are some of the best samurai hand tattoo designs?

The best samurai hand tattoo designs are those that express the individual’s personality and beliefs. Some popular design options include kanji characters, swords, dragons, flowers, and other symbols from Japanese culture. It is important to choose a design that has meaning for you; otherwise it will not have the same impact. Many people also opt for a full-color or traditional black and gray design. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which design best expresses their values and beliefs.

How much does a samurai hand tattoo cost?

The cost of a samurai hand tattoo will depend on the size and complexity of the design. Generally speaking, prices can range anywhere from $150 to $500 or more. Some artists may charge an hourly rate, while others may quote you a flat fee depending on the size and detail of the tattoo. It is important to shop around for quotes and find an experienced artist with a portfolio that you like. This will help ensure the best results and that you get exactly what you want.

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