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A tiny tattoo could mean a lot when it comes to being proud of yourself. If you are looking for some ideas, you have come to the right place!
Who knew there was something called a deaf tattoo?
A simple mute button behind the ear can save you the time of telling every person you meet about your disability. This trend started after a girl went viral for her friendly way of telling people that she was in fact deaf.
A girl from Germany, Eliza Menzel, got a mute sound button tattooed right her left ear to indicate and make people understand her partial deafness. She was exhausted from telling people again and again that she was disabled. So, she chose a cute and friendly way of telling the world that she was partially deaf from one ear. The picture that you see above is of Eliza and this had gone viral right after she posted it because people found this very creative! If you are looking for some ideas for yourself or for a friend, you have come to the right place. We have curated some simple yet unique ideas just for you.
The Mute Button
Another tattoo is similar to the one by Eliza Menzel. This one is a very simple tattoo. It takes a lot of courage to let everyone in on your little secret. This tattoo is something that you must wear with a lot of pride. Like the experiences, tattoo artist has said, expose the scars of the soul with class. A simple tattoo has said a lot of words. If you get a tattoo like this, you need not tell your story to every person, this design will do it for you.
The Deaf-Mute
A deaf-mute sign tattoo is super cute and will do the job for you of telling people about your disability. You may feel the need to tattoo these signs on or behind your ear because you will see that it is common for people to approach you while they are talking, this tattoo will help you convey to them what you do not always want to repeat.
It’s Not A Hearing Loss, It Is A Deaf Gain
Why should there be a communication barrier between anyone at all? Everyone has the right to speak their minds. This artwork is a small gesture to show to people who are suffering from hearing loss that you are there to stand by them as a community. Learning sign language can solve so many problems and also help people who are deaf and mute feel included in society. That is why it is not a hearing loss, it is a deaf gain.
Spell A Name
What a unique way to show someone who has a hearing disability and don’t always understand you, what they mean to you. A beautiful and clever piece of art. The tattoo above spells the name “James”, it is the BSL way of signing each letter of the name. This could be for someone else or even spell out your name, teach other people a few letters of the sign language maybe. You make your alterations to this tattoo by making whatever suits you. A great tattoo indeed!
For Mom And Dad
A tattoo that will touch a million hearts. With this art, you can immortalize the love you have for your parents. This tattoo will transform the love from your hands to your skin forever. This tattoo can be very small or big enough for the world to see it, but it will not diminish the love you want to show. A beautiful gesture for the people you love the most in the world and who will love you forever. This beautiful creation could be your next tattoo!
I Really Love You
A personal and unique way of showing love either for yourself or for someone you love. Not everybody has an idea about sign language, that is why this tattoo can be so personal as it means “I really love you” in sign language. It is a great way to express your love. Tattoos can mean so much to an individual or if you are making it for someone else. It is correctly said, a picture can speak a thousand words!
Deaf Symbol Tattoo
A sweet ode of a father and daughter for the daughter’s son who is deaf. A sweet tattoo that speaks so much but ironically it is for people who are deaf. It is not necessary that people who are deaf only get this tattoo, this could be something special that you would like to do for a loved one! You can make alterations to this tattoo and use this idea and to tattoo something meaningful in sign language for someone you love!
The Colorful Mute Tattoo
A colourful version of the mute sound tattoo that you saw above. A simple yet powerful deaf tattoo.
Mute With A Splash Of Color
To make the mute tattoo a little more interesting than usual, the experienced tattoo artists decided to add a splash of different colours that gives the tattoo a watercolour effect. The artist has achieved a great sense of understanding what the clients want and then creating something based on that!
Say That Again?
A humorous twist on a deaf tattoo. Instead of the usual mute button or a no sound button, the client decided to write “huh?” on their ear as if to show that they can’t hear what you are saying, ultimately showing that they are deaf. If you want a funny twist on your tattoo, this design is the one that you should go for!
Telling people again and again about your disability can be tough and sometimes extremely exhausting. That is why you should consider getting a tattoo for yourself that can be friendly and still put forth the message for you. Not only for people who are deaf, but some tattoos from the above list can also be for everyone!
Feature image from Pinterest