Home Tattoos 11+ Cash Money Tattoo Ideas You Will Love

11+ Cash Money Tattoo Ideas You Will Love

by Jamie Wilson
Best Cash Money Tattoos

Hey there, ink-lovers! Jamie here, your trusty guide in the expansive universe of tattoo artistry. If you’re anything like me, then you find that the possibilities for tattoo designs are as unlimited as the stars in the sky. But today, we’re gonna zero in on a particular category – cash money tattoos. Believe me when I say, they’re not just about the Benjamins! They can be everything from a statement about personal power to a tribute to your hard-earned hustle. So buckle up, and let’s dive into this treasure trove of money-themed skin art.

Throughout my inky journey, I’ve come across a whole lot of money ink ideas. Some are downright bold, others carry a subtle charm, but let me tell you, each one is a creative spectacle when inked in its own right. Are you a money lover, or do you just fancy the idea of wearing your financial ambition on your sleeve, quite literally? Well, my friends, you’ve hit the jackpot with these top-notch cash money tattoo ideas.

We’re talking about designs that range from photo-realistic stacks of dough that would make a banker blush, to abstract interpretations that play with symbolism and subtlety. Trust me, folks, there’s no shortage or abundance of creative juice when it comes to money-themed tattoos.

Here’s a nugget of advice from your ol’ buddy Jamie – when choosing your tattoo, think about what you want it to say. Do you want it to shout from the rooftops, or would you rather it whisper its meaning to those close enough to hear? That’s the beauty of it all. You can go for a bold, audacious piece that covers your back, or perhaps a small, intricate design that’s just for you and the few who get close enough to notice.

Let me lay down some images of my personal favorites. Get ready to be inspired, and who knows, you might just find that perfect cash money design you’ve been searching for.

Cash Money Tattoo Ideas

Portraits Of Famous Currency (e.g. Benjamin Franklin)

Stacks Of Cash In Various Denominations

@marziobellomo_staytrue via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A Stack Of Hundred Dollar Bills With A Money Clip

A Stack Of Hundred Dollar Bills With A Money Clip

@miqi_ink via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A Money Rose With Dollar Bill Petals

A money rose with dollar bill petals

@linhas_tattoos via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Dollar Sign Tattoo

Dollar Sign Tattoo

@nikita_naimushin_tattoo via Instagram – Love this body art design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Coin Tattoo

Coin Tattoo

Image from Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Piggy Bank Tattoo

Piggy Bank Tattoo

@tatt.gabi via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Gangster Money Tattoos

Gangster Money Tattoos

@inksanetattooswe via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Money Bag Tattoo Design

Money Bag Tattoo Design

Image from Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Money Roll Tattoos

Money Roll Tattoos

Image from Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Amazing Money Tattoo Design

Amazing Money Tattoo Design

@crimclay via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Lot Of Money

Lot Of Money

Image from Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Roll Of Money

Roll Of Money

Image from Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

More on Cash Money Tattoo

The Cash Money Tattoo, a bold expression of financial aspiration and strength, often comes in various forms. For some, it’s adorned with dollar signs, signifying prosperity and power. Others might opt for the whimsical monopoly man tattoo, a cheeky nod to big-business success and financial freedom. The easily covered, subtler designs often have deeper personal meanings, while more prominent tattoos make a statement for the world to see. More provocative themes like gangster money tattoos or hood money designs reflect the gritty determination to rise above challenging circumstances. Similarly, the money power respect tattoo lays bare the interconnectedness of wealth, influence, and esteem. Each Cash Money Tattoo carries its unique tale, serving as a powerful emblem of the bearer’s financial dreams and ambitions.

Placement Options For Cash Money Tattoos

Well hello there, future tattoo bearers! Jamie here, ready to navigate you through the maze of life decisions that come with getting inked. When it comes to choosing the location for your cash money tattoo, there’s a lot to think about. The thing is, this is about more than just where your tattoo will look the best. It’s about you, your style, your comfort, and yes, even your work attire.

Let’s kick things off with a quick tour of the most popular tattoo real estate. Your upper arm, back, chest, and leg are prime spots for some cash money ink. Want to mix it up a bit? Well, your forearm, shoulder, or even calf can join the party. It’s all about creating the perfect canvas for your masterpiece.

Now, before you roll up your sleeve or drop those trousers, here are some nuggets of wisdom from your friend Jamie:

  1. The size and design of your tattoo are key players here. If you’re going for a mural of cash stacks that’d make Scrooge McDuck envious, you’ll want a larger canvas like your back or chest. But if you’re keeping it subtle with a neat little dollar sign, the wrist or ankle could be the perfect spot.
  2. Visibility is a biggie. Do you want your tattoo shouting your love for cash from the rooftops, or do you prefer the quiet whisper of a hidden gem? Decide whether you want your ink front and center or discreetly tucked away.
  3. We can’t forget about the work factor. Depending on your job, a neck or face tattoo might not exactly be the way to your boss’s heart. Consider any professional or clothing restrictions you might have.
  4. And last but certainly not least, there’s your comfort level. Every body is different, and what feels right for one person might not for another. Think about what you’re comfortable with. Remember, this is about you.

At the end of the day, it’s your skin, your tattoo, your choice. Consider all these factors, but remember to trust your gut. It’s essential to pick a spot that makes you feel good and where you want your tattoo to shine.


Alright, my ink-slinging aficionados, as we reach the end of our deep dive into the world of cash money tattoos, remember this – there’s a wide array of designs out there. From a solo dollar sign flying high to meticulously detailed piles of greenbacks and everything in between. You might be a lover of the high-rolling lifestyle or someone who values the stability, wealth and power money brings. Whatever your reasons, a cash money tattoo could be just the ticket.

Of course, like any good thing, there’s a flip side. Depending on the design’s intricacy and size, you might have to drop a pretty penny. Not to mention, you gotta brace yourself for the sting of the needle. But hey, no pain, no gain, right?

What draws me to these tattoos is the statement they make. They’re bold, they’re audacious, and let’s face it, they’re pretty darn cool. So if you’re feeling adventurous, why not delve into the variety of designs, styles and placements on offer?

Whichever design you settle on, one thing’s for sure: a cash money tattoo is more than ink on skin. It’s a symbol, an assertion of your personality and a reflection of what you value. So go ahead, strut your stuff, and let your skin tell a story that’s as unique as you are. Now, who’s ready to make some moolah impressions?

Feature image @aein.ink via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Meanings of Money Tattoos

There are a few different meanings that are commonly associated with money tattoos. Here are a few examples:

Success and financial stability: For some people, a money tattoo may symbolize a desire for success and financial stability. This could be a way of expressing a goal to achieve wealth and security, or to celebrate having already achieved these things.

Power and status: For others, a money tattoo may represent power and status. This could be because money is often associated with social status and the ability to influence others.
Greed: In some cases, a money tattoo may be seen as a symbol of greed or a desire for material wealth above all else.

Love of money: Some people may get a money tattoo simply because they have a love of money itself. This could be because they enjoy the security and stability that it provides, or because they find the concept of money to be interesting or appealing.

Ultimately, the meaning of a money tattoo will depend on the individual’s personal motivations and the context in which the tattoo is worn.

Is it bad luck to get a money tattoo?

There is no inherent superstition or bad luck associated with getting a money tattoo. However, some people may believe that tattoos of any kind can bring bad luck, so it’s important to consider your own beliefs and cultural background when deciding whether to get a tattoo.

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