Home Tattoos 101 Best Calico Cat Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

101 Best Calico Cat Tattoo Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind!

by Jamie Wilson
Calico Cat Tattoos

If you are looking to get a cute tattoo of your favourite animal or pet and need some ideas, you have come to the right place!

Calico Cat Tattoo
@kiera_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A calico cat can be a domestic cat of any breed with three colours in its fur, typically white with patches of black and brown.

Reasons to choose a cat tattoo can mean different things to every individual and is mostly extremely personal. It could mean something spiritual for one person and could mean luck and strength for another.

The design of a cat tattoo can vary depending on the message you want to put forward and what it means to you. More often than not, a cat tattoo represents life after death, good luck, intelligence and grace. For some people, it is as simple as a memory of their feline pet. Some tattoos are more popular than others, like the calico cat tattoo. In Germany, a cat with calico colouring is considered to be lucky and in the USA, these cats are considered to be “money cats”. If you are looking to enter into a new tattoo venture, here are some designs that were created specifically to grab your attention!

Cat With Stars

Cat With Stars
@kiera_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A beautiful design of a calico cat with stars. You will see that the tattoo artist has put a lot of effort into creating a life-like cat tattoo for the client. The strokes that make up the fur of the cat have shaded brown and black strokes. The cat in this design is wearing a crown like a queen, has a cape behind it and has jewels in its hand. Around the cat are a few twinkling stars that look stunning. The cat looks like it is in a playful mood and is rolling around in the stars. A great tattoo if you want to show your love for cats!

The Running Cat

The Running Cat
@shannonwolftattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A very simple tattoo design of a calico cat running towards a plane during sunset. The calico cat has patches of light brown and black on its back. This particular design was made in memory of the clients cat. It is a very special design because it is attached to a lot of special memories, a memory that you share with your pet and something that has a special meaning to you. If you want to keep such a memory close to you forever, then body art can be a great idea!

Catnip Calico Cat Tattoo

Catnip Calico Cat Tattoo
@micatattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A cute, playful calico cat sits in its chair with its favourite toys surrounding it. If you look carefully, you will notice that the cat has a fishing rod near it and the end of the rod holds a mouse. This throws light on the playful relationship of a cat and a mouse where the cat is always chasing the mouse and in this photo, finally caught up to it. The strokes of black on the outline are thin and the designs within are intricate. The tattoo is filled with bright colours that add to the charm! This could be a great design to show your love for cats!

Calico Cat With Sushi

Calico Cat With Sushi
@kiera_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This is a perfect calico cat design for people who love cats and sushi! The fur on the cat has very thin strokes that give it a realistic vibe, the paws have a pinkish tone to them, and the eyes have a certain spark to them. There are fin-like ears in addition to cat ears and it is holding a slice of lemon and has a few cut vegetables on its back. A cute calico cat that you could just eat!

The watercolour Effect

The watercolour Effect
@austincpratttattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Many people like to get calico inked on themselves if they are not able to own one for good fortune and luck. However, if you do own one, it is difficult to not fall in love with them. Although very simple, it has a watercolour effect that adds to its charm. The shape of the cat looks like it is trying to climb up on you. This kind of tattoo design may be something that you could use as hope and good luck charm!

The Copy-Cat

The Copy-Cat
@harpyteeth via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A very different tattoo than most traditional calico cat tattoos. This cat comes in unique colours of blue, grey and red. This is an unusual choice of colours, but it is your design, you can alter it however you want. Not only this, this design is a great one to twin with your best friend! In the design above, it looks like one cat is going to pounce on the wolf tattoo of the other hand! If you are interested in getting a tattoo with a loved one, you should go for this design!

A Cute Calico Cat Design

A Cute Calico Cat Design
@nikii_neko_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This design is a minimalist cat tattoo. The tattoo design has the face of a cat that is surrounded by pretty flowers. The calico cat has patches of brown and black and its eyes are bright yellow in colour. It has a cute pink nose and whiskers. This was made specifically for a client in the hope to combine the memories of all her kittens combined. For them, it is the combination of black, white and brown cats. The face of the cat is surrounded by its favourite bright coloured flowers.

The Playful Calico

The Playful Calico
@tillinger_lilla_tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

A beautiful piece of art with a watercolour effect. It almost looks like a beautiful painting and less like a tattoo. You can see the cat looks happy as it has a balloon with a photo of a giraffe in its paw. You will notice a playful smile on the face of the cat. It is also surrounded by plants and bright colours all blended well together. This happy tattoo is a great way to show your love for animals, especially calico cats!

A Fond Memory

A Fond Memory
@grotesque.burlesque via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

There are no words to describe this beautiful tattoo because it has such a deep meaning attached to the client. The cat in the photo was “Nala Bean” a calico pet cat whose tattoo was created specifically for the client. To honour her memory, the owner decided to get her favourite picture tattooed on her forearm. To make the memory more special, she mixed a little bit of the ashes in the picture so that a part Nala Bean would always remain with her. The strokes of the colours make the tattoo look so lifelike. This is a great tattoo to honour the memory of your calico cat!

The Sleepy Cat

The Sleepy Cat
@cheriebuttons via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Sleepy calico cats could make for a great tattoo! Just like in cartoons, this cat is lying asleep on a pile of books. This design is also a representative of the owner’s cat, Luna, who often used to fall asleep on a stack of books. The illustration looks quite animated as if it were a cartoon. You can alter the tattoo in any way you want.

Many people believe that calico cats are lucky charm and can bring good fortune to those who own them. Not many know that they were appointed as the official symbol of fortune in Japan. Usually, people like to get calico cats inked on them for the reasons set earlier or to honour the memory of their pet. If you care about your pet and are interested in keeping them as close as possible, you can consider getting their picture tattooed!

Feature image from Pinterest

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