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Are you searching for some black skull tattoo designs? Well, your search ends here. Check out these amazing black skulls tattoo ideas listed below.
A black skull tattoo is a symbol that represents power, life, death, and strength.
Black skull tattoos are well-liked by both men and women. It is a tattoo that represents power and love for one’s life and is a way to be grateful for the life that one is living.
The tattoo can be inked anywhere on the body. It can be inked on the chest, wrist, or arm. It is often believed that skull tattoo designs are evil. But in reality, black skull tattoo design ideas can symbolize both positivity and negativity. The positive interpretation of the tattoo is life, and the negative interpretation is death. A special type of skull tattoo is sugar skulls tattoos. People often ink these sugar skulls tattoo to remember and pay tribute to their ancestors and loved ones and also to celebrate life. It eliminates the negativity related to death. Black skull tattoo designs are mostly party tattoos.
Black Skull Tattoo On The Back Of Hand
This is a black skull tattoo inked by a woman on the reverse side of her palm. This tattoo is a large one, and it takes up the entire space and extends to the wrist part.
This black skull tattoo has been bordered using simple black ink. The area inside the border of the tattoo is a beautiful work of art as it has been inked using different colors. Red, brown, black, white, and yellow have been used by the tattoo artist very adroitly to design the interiors of this black skull tattoo. Traditional designs have been inked on the forehead, which gives the tattoo a very bold and distinguished look. The red flames coming out of the eye socket add to the beauty of the tattoo. It can be observed that the skull is burning, and hence it is gradually melting. The burning of the skull represents death. This tattoo is a very detailed work of art. This kind of skull tattoo is a unique design to be inked on the hand. It can be inked on the chest, neck, or on arm as well. This kind of tattoo can be done by both men and women and is a very rare tattoo design.
Black Skull With Text Forearm Tattoo
This is a skull tattoo that has been inked using black ink. It is a very long tattoo as it covers up the entire forearm. A text has also been inked beside the skull tattoo.
This is a black cover-up tattoo skull design as it has been inked using the entire forearm space. This is a popular form of skull tattoo design. Different shades of black have been used for the design. The text has been inked in a cursive manner. One can ink names or any of their favorite lines to add a personal touch to the tattoo. A graveyard has also been inked just below the skull tattoo. This tattoo can be inked to honor a deceased loved one as a graveyard is a sign of death. The tattoo artist must have put a lot of thought into this. More similar ideas like this are easily available on the free Pinterest app. This kind of tattoo would also look great on the back of the body.
Black Skull Upper Arm Sleeve Tattoo
This skull tattoo has been done using a spot of black ink. This will work well as a black cover-up sleeve tattoo design as it takes up the entire arm space.
Various shades of black have been used to ink this tattoo. The hand skeleton tattoo part of the design has been done very minutely. This kind of skull tattoo design is usually suitable for men. The tattoo artist could have also used red and black color for this same design. You can choose to add colors if you want a vibrant look.
Black Skull Tattoo With Flowers
This skull tattoo is a unique form of art. Various color inks have been used for this.
The skull has been inked using only black ink. Flowers have been inked above the skull in the form of a tiara. Yellow, green, and pink colors have been used to ink the flowers. The leaves have been inked using green color. The small red beads design adds to the beauty of the tattoo. A large triangle has been inked using black ink just below the skull tattoo. These kinds of tattoo ideas would look great on the stomach as well.
Black Skull Tattoo With Wings
This is a small skull tattoo design. It has been inked using black color. This design is very bold and stylish.
This tattoo has been inked on the reverse side of the palm. This tattoo has wings that represent a bird. This tattoo features freedom and the will to live. This kind of small tattoo is very suitable for both sexes. Green and blue colored combinations can also be used for this tattoo. It would also look stunning on the wrist as it is smaller in size compared to the rest.
Black Skulls Tattoo With Goat Designs
This is a black skull tattoo design that has been inked using black ink. A goat has also been inked on the top of the skulls.
This tattoo depicts a site where a huge number of skulls have been dumped. A goat is standing on the top of the skulls. This tattoo has been inked just below the elbow. An eccentric tattoo that will surely grab eyeballs. Similar tattoo designs according to someone’s preference can be found on the free Pinterest app.
Black Skull Ear Tattoo
This is a very small skull tattoo that has been done on the ear. The tattoo has been done using black and white ink.
This kind of tattoo is unique in itself and adds a very cool look to the ear. This tattoo could have been styled further by adding one or two small stars just below the skull. The stars can be of green or red color. The tattoo artist must be extra careful while doing an ear tattoo because the skin there is not very thick, and it can cause a lot of pain while getting a tattoo inked.
Black Skull Chest Tattoo
This tattoo is a large one and looks stunning on the woman. This tattoo is very eye-catching and looks very bold.
The border of the skull has been done using black ink. The inside of the skull has been inked using red and black color. There are roses inked as well. The roses have been inked with black ink, but they would look more vibrant with the red color. Adding a few leaves would also elevate the look of the tattoo.
Black Skull Halloween Tattoo Design
This is a Halloween design black skull tattoo. Black, white and orange color has been used for this tattoo. It gives a very spooky look and is a perfect Halloween-themed tattoo. The tattoo covers the whole forearm.
The skeleton has been inked using black color, and the pumpkin has been inked using orange color. A gravestone has been tattooed on the top with the number nine inked in Roman numeral. The skeleton is holding a lantern. White flowers have also been inked. The bats add to the scary appearance of the tattoo. The leaves have been inked using black color, and small orange flowers are also there. The words “The Hermit” has been inked. Small white dots and sparkles elevate the beauty of the tattoo. Overall, this tattoo gives a very ghostly and mysterious feeling and is a unique design.
Black Skull Neck Tattoo Design
This tattoo has been inked on the neck of a woman. It has been done using only black ink. The tattoo is not very colorful, and hence its uniqueness lies in its simplicity.
This tattoo is a small one and yet gives a very bold look to a woman. The tattoo artist has used the shades of black meticulously in this tattoo. This kind of tattoo would look great on the back of the neck as well. Red and green colors would make the tattoo look more vibrant.
The black skulls tattoo design is one of the most unique tattoo ideas. It represents life and death. Both men, as well as women, can get it inked. This is more of a party tattoo which gives a bold and dark look. Various skull pictures can be found on the free Pinterest app, and there will be a large variety to choose from. Few other recommendations for black skull tattoos which you can try out are-
- Black skull tattoo near the hip
- Black skull tattoo on the shoulder
- Small black skull tattoo on the wrist
- Black skull tattoo on the ankle
- Black dragon with skulls tattoo designs at the back of the body
Feature Image from Pinterest